See, Feel, Mark: A Journey of Exploration Painting in Hong Kong
Hannah Rollings Plein-Air Performance and Exhibition 13 September - 5 October 2024Programme Workshop: En Plein-Air painting workshop Open to all, kids friendly A collaborative art project engaging the community Date: 7 September, Saturday, 2-6pm 600HKD /person Location: Arkeden, Meiwo RSVP:https://forms.gle/uXCJ2BtG4a8XRriQ7 All... -
Find Me At The End Of The Cave
Marcelo Canevari and Ornella Pocetti duo exhibition curated by City Of Talents 2 - 17 August 2024 -
Diving Boards and Vehicles
Margot Bird solo exhibition curated by Ascend Projects 14 June - 6 July 2024SEEFOOD ROOM Gallery proudly presents Diving Boards and Vehicles , a Margot Bird solo exhibition curated by Ascend Projects between 14 June and 6 July 2024 at G/F, 1 Prince’s... -
COSMIC NOMAD: Venture Beyond
Liane Chu solo exhibition curated by Samson Ko, in collaboration with K11 Guangzhou and Mobi Garden 1 - 20 June 2024When we were young, we all dreamt of interstellar travel. The boundless sparkling seas that were long forgotten – do they still shine for you? On 1 June 2024, Liane... -
Symphony of Radiance
A group exhibition featuring Sandrine Lanoy, Salome Rigvava, Yujin Son, Elspeth Vince & Hayson Wong 26 April - 18 May 2024SEEFOOD ROOM proudly presents Symphony of Radiance, a group exhibition featuring female artists Sandrine Lanoy, Salome Rigvava, Yujin Son, Elspeth Vince, and Hayson Wong between 26 April and 18 May... -
Nature's Mic Drop
A multidisciplinary immersive art & diamond experience 28 November - 22 December 2023SEEFOOD ROOM Gallery and the De Beers Group are pleased to present a multidisciplinary immersive experience, Nature's Mic Drop, at 9 On Lan Street, Central from 28 November to 22... -
A group exhibition featuring Wing Chan, Iristography, and David Leung 27 October - 11 November 2023SEEFOOD ROOM is pleased to present Aperture, a photography group exhibition featuring Hong Kong photographers Wing Chan, Iristography, and David Leung at 3/F, 9 On Lan Street in Central from... -
The Labyrinth of Solitude
A group exhibition curated by Cyrus Lamprecht, featuring Tobe Kan, Lio Sze Mei, Ashlee Ip, Lau Hong Lam, Kwan Yung Yee, Belinda HY Chan, Kiki Lee Tsz Ki, Pui Yi Leung, Manny Yip, and Jason Ho 18 August - 17 September 2023SEEFOOD ROOM and SHOUT proudly present The Labyrinth of Solitude , a group show curated by Cyrus Lamprecht featuring Tobe Kan, Lio Sze Mei, Ashlee Ip, Lau Hong Lam, Kwan...
Artnet: "7 Questions for Artist Liane Chu on How Personal Experiences Inform Her Otherworldly Canvases"
12 February 2024Although just a student at the Central Academy of Fine Art, Chinese artist Liane Chu has already developed a multifaceted practice that examines both her own deeply personal lived experiences... -
The Do Show: "DO YOU KNOW?|天然鑽石|616卡鑽石你見過未|3C?4C?5C?|The Do Show"
15 December 2023全新專題節目《DO YOU KNOW》今集同大家KNOW嘅喺天然鑽石, 仲搵埋洪嘉豪一齊開箱616卡鑽石!想知點揀一粒好嘅天然鑽石,成日講嘅4C係咩? 即刻收睇今集《The Do Show》啦! CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FULL VIDEO -
Yahoo! Finance: "De Beers Group Celebrates Return of the Iconic "A Diamond is Forever" Tagline With "Nature’s Mic Drop" Art Exhibition Curated by SEEFOOD ROOM"
6 December 2023Actor Janice Man appointed as Natural Diamond Ambassador De Beers Group has always been a pioneer in the natural diamond industry, dedicating years to preserving the legacy of natural diamonds... -
Sunday More: "「在藝術殿堂中與自然奇蹟相遇 打造香港史無前例天然鑽石體驗展覽」—— SEEFOOD ROOM創辦人Samson" by HM
27 November 2023在摩天大廈林立、車水馬龍的中環中,佇立著一座充滿藝術氣息的建築,步上三至四層更內有乾坤,藏著別具一格的SEEFOOD ROOM畫廊。而在即將來臨的11月28日至12月22日,這棟4層高的建築更會搖身一變成為「天然美鑽 閃耀登場 」展覽兼多層次的鑽石體驗館,展示非凡天然鑽石藝術。畫廊創辦人之一Samson憑藉其對藝術的熱情,將興趣變成自己的事業,如今更促使他接下這個重大挑戰,將藝術與天然鑽石完美地呈現到大眾眼前! CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE -
東周刊: "群展「孤獨之宮」" by Cyrus Lamprecht
16 August 2023 -
HUSTL: "Arturistic 帶領八位香港來自不同藝術領域的藝術家來到倫敦 在英舉辦首個藝術展覽《Interwoven: Hong Kong Art Meets London》" by Hoi Yin
18 August 2023【#HUS藝術】近期藝術展覽芸芸,可謂遍地開花。本地文化媒體平台 Arturistic 近日更將香港藝術家帶到倫敦,在英國舉辦首個藝術展覽《Interwoven: Hong Kong Art Meets London》,展覽也為其平台首個線下 Pop Up 計劃「THE NET by ARTURISTIC」 作為開端,由 Seefood Room 主理人 Samson Ko 及 Arturistic 共同策劃,望打破陳規,展現藝術的多樣性,旨將香港充滿活力的藝術面貌呈現於全球觀眾眼前。 Click here to read the full article -
Lifestyle Asia: "Arturistic’s “Interwoven” exhibition brings Hong Kong art to London" by Charmaine Ng
11 August 2023Eight distinguished Hong Kong artists are making their way to the UK. The first physical incarnation of “THE NET by ARTURISTIC” initiative by Arturistic is here. “INTERWOVEN: HONG KONG ART... -
Madame Figaro: "香港藝術家廖紫婷專訪:偶爾想起房子的人"
17 March 2023《房子的舞會》所呈現的是人們在瀑布上看見的景象。廖紫婷的創作一直受到不同建築物的形態所啟發,它們就如人一般是有著生命的。在與藝術家的訪談中,她談論到這一幅作品的靈感來源是取材自朋友在威尼斯旅行時所拍下的照片。她在收到這幀照片的時候,心中所產生的是一份期待的感覺,亦因而以舞會作為作品的主題:「畫中的房子就像是在等待被邀請跳舞的狀態,所以我把上方的雲層繪畫為如霓虹燈和彩帶一般的形狀,營造一個似是舞會的場景。」畫作中的雲層就如飛機劃破天際以後所留下的軌跡,它以白色作為基調,同時亦渲染著房子外牆的色彩。廖紫婷剖述在同一畫面內,繪畫不同房子的意義:「感覺就像是在訴說自己從前的關係和經歷。」房子的窗戶都映照著不同顏色的光線,而左方鵝黃屋子的窗戶則是由木板所遮蔽著的。快樂的回憶可以不斷重溫、悲傷的回憶會偶爾想起,有一些回憶則希望它們不曾發生。畫作左下方的窗戶是緊閉的,其中所埋藏著的到底是怎樣的回憶? Click here to read the full article